Saturday, November 24, 2012

It's Been Quite a While! (News?)

So I suppose this is news, maybe its not.  I'm sure I've said it to all the parties necessary, but who knows.  Most of them/you don't know this log even exists (but I forgive you, of course).

The new comp that is in the works is going to be put together a little differently than before.  I'm going to be doing a kickstarter, so look forward to that in a couple months.  I'll provide a link for sure.  Also, I think that the band list has been finalized and that'll be announced after everyone has been talked to about the kickstarter.

And the name is in the works; I like it a lot.  However, I'm not totally set on anything until I have a good idea for artwork that'll fit in with it.  Once that gets settled on, I'll announce it. 

I think that's all for now.

Oh wait!  Nope, hold on.  I got a Facebook page for de-efodiar, so people could know what's up.  The link to it is here.

 Now that's totally all the news.
