The release show for "Now Doves Fly Here" was very successful! Thanks to everyone who attended!
We also raised over $300 for Beverly Bootstraps! The money will be used to help families in need pay rent to prevent foreclosure and prevent more families from becoming homeless. Lilly Daigle put together a zine called "Crisis" with lots of information about homelessness with contributions from lots of different people.
On a personal note, I'd like to thank all the people who helped out with "Now Doves Fly Here"! Thank you to all the bands who's music is on the record. Also, thank you to Richard Marr at Galaxy Park Studios and Alex at Mystic Valley Studios for recording all of the music and thanks again to Richard Marr for Mastering the record!
Thanks to everyone who loaned money, helped screen print, made copies, helped at the show and all the little miscellaneous things that were a huge help: Thank you Lilly D, Eric S, Dave G, Brendan F, Paul P, Ian M, Lindsey S, Matt C, Dana D, Scott S, Kaitlyn, Craig M, Johnathan at Staples and Dan at Exploding in Sound.